Advising 101

The Student Center Administration has two SRB Advisors for the three SRB’s (The Hoot, Rice Bikes, and Coffeehouse). Currently, Caitlin Lindsay is the Associate Director of Facilities, Events, and SRB’s and Cristy Torres is the Assistant Director of SRB’s

As University Employees, SRB advisors ensure that students are able to fulfill their roles as SRB managers by doing the following:

  • Ensuring that SRB managers are aware of HR policies and procedures that affect their area of responsibility including hiring, employee correction, or firing.
  • SRB advisors serve as account approvers for financial transactions and hiring paperwork that University Policy requires an approver for. Where possible, SRB managers are given security access so they are able to track any changes to accounts. SRB advisors do not make changes to SRB accounts unless it is requested.
  • Ensuring SRB managers have the proper security requests so they can access University systems such as imagineOne, Chase Paymentech.
  • SRB advisors are here to help SRB managers get resources for themselves or their employees-such as connecting to Title XI, Wellbeing, Medical attention for on the job injuries or the Counseling Center-if needed.
  • Ensure that all University Policies and Procedures as well as Local, State and Federal Laws are followed by asking questions, giving resources and supporting SRB managers as each of them research how these different systems impact the way they operate their business and so that their business remains in good standing with the University.

As Advisors, the main goal is to help SRB managers develop in leadership, both personally and professionally throughout their time in their respective positions. This is done by:

  • Offering weekly 1:1 times where SRB managers can come in to brainstorm, troubleshoot, do work, ask for resources and set goals to overcome any challenges you are having.
    • During these meetings it is up to SRB managers what they share, what they want to work on and what they bring to the table. What SRB managers put into 1:1’s is directly proportional to what they receive from these times. 
      • Cristy and Caitlin have diverse backgrounds of education and experience as well as institutional knowledge about each of your businesses and are more than happy to offer resources for anything you are facing.
    • SRB Advisors are a resource, not the boss.
      • The SRB’s General Manager is the person to whom SRB managers are accountable for their daily work.
      • SRB advisors might make suggestions or offer ideas in these meetings but SRB managers do not have to take action on those suggestions or ideas.
      • The only time SRB advisors will insist on something is if SRB managers are in danger of breaking the law, University Policy or Procedures, or if health and safety are an issue. 



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Houston, TX 77005
Phone: (713) 348-4097
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