Getting Started

Rice University boasts over 250 registered clubs on campus. Each of these groups is comprised of students with similar interests or passions that wish to work together to achieve a joint mission and purpose. Club activities include service, political advocacy, cultural programming, sports and recreation, and much, much more. Joining a club is a great way for students to become engaged in the University and Houston community, as well as to develop leadership skills and apply classroom learning in practical situations. There are both responsibilities and benefits to being a registered club on campus. It is the responsibility of the club leadership to uphold these requirements, and remember that clubs too are subject to the honor code.


  • All undergraduate student organizations must follow the Student Association Bylaws with regard to their establishment as an organization.  All graduate student organizations will likewise follow the Graduate Student Association Bylaws.
  • No organization may discriminate in policy or action on the grounds of race, religion, color, sexual orientation or national origin.
  • Members of the Rice community must comprise at least 50% of the membership.
  • Principal officers and spokespersons must be currently registered Rice students.
  • Each club must have at least a President and a Secondary Student Leader (ideally, a Treasurer).
  • All clubs are required to have a faculty/staff Sponsor.
  • Clubs must complete the registration and risk management process EVERY YEAR with the Office of Student Activities.
  • All club leaders should transition their new officers in an intentional and responsible manner to insure the future success of their organization.
  • All travel outside of Harris County must be registered.
  • All clubs must uphold the procedures for clubs set out by the Office of Student Activities, the honor code, the  policies and rules set forth by Rice University, and the laws of the state of Texas and the United States.

Privileges of Registration:

Registered Clubs are awarded the following benefits.

  • A bank account through Office of Student Activities, if requested
  • Use of University meeting rooms, facilities, and outdoor arrears by the student membership of the organization free of charge
  • Opportunity to request funds from the Student Activities Presidents Programming Fund, ALFA fund, and New Club Fund
  • Use of the Clubs Office with computers and a printer/photocopier that will charge directly to your club fund at the end of each semester with minimal fees
  • Organization mailbox and address
  • Opportunity to advertise in the Student Center on their digital screens, doors, and banner wall
  • Ability to book space to hang banners on Fondren Library
  • Listing on the Student Activities website that is accessible for all students
  • Use of the University Name and Logo
  • Ability to set up a website through the University and to be linked to the Student Activities website
  • Use of the Rice University Tax Exemption status

Please Note: These are privileges that may only be awarded to fully registered clubs who have completed the Office of Student Activities registration process each academic year. Failure to utilize these privileges responsibly or to uphold the requirements as listed above may result in revocation of the privileges listed and possible dissolution of the club, and/or possible charges under the Code of Student Conduct.

Creating a Club Webpage or Blog

Rice IT has a number of options for creating a Club web page or blog.  Be sure to email the Office of Student Activities ( when your club has created a page or when the URL of your page has changed, so the correct link can be included on the Student Activities website. For technical help with creating your club website, contact

Creating a Club OWL-Space

To create an OWL-Space site for your club, complete the online form here. For more information, e-mail

Setting Up a Club Email Listserv

To set up a club listserv, go to the online application form at One or more members of your listserv should be designated as the listserv manager(s). Information on listserv management can be found here.

Copyright Issues

Printed Materials

The Fair Use Doctrine (1978) of the Copyright Act governs the making of photocopies of copyrighted material. Photocopies may be made for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship or research as long as the reproduction or distribution is made without any purpose of direct or indirect commercial advantage. Rice University will follow the federal law in dealing with violations of the copyright code.

Web Publications

Information concerning Rice's appropriate use of computer resources policies can be found here.

Special Licenses

Examples of situations requiring a special license or permission from copyright holder:

  • Use of cartoons or logos for flyers or party themes
  • Showing movies at a club activity
  • Sharing computer software
  • Use of music for events, performances, and the distribution and/or sale of video with music

Please contact the Office of Student Activities at with any questions.

Use of Rice Name and Logo

The use of the Rice University name and logo in the printing of t-shirts, hats, etc. is generally acceptable, provided that the design is in good taste, the items will not be distributed outside the University and the items will not be sold for a profit. However, permission to use the Rice logo must be obtained by either the Office of Public Affairs or the Office of General Counsel. In order to obtain their permission you must email the Office of Student Activities ( to assist you in the process. If your group intends to sell the items or distribute them outside the University, you must first secure approval from the Office of Student Activities.





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Rice Memorial Center
Room 202
6100 Main Street MS-530
Houston, TX 77005
Phone: (713) 348-4097
Fax: (713) 348-5976


Monday - Friday
9:00am - 5:00pm

Our entire staff are also available virtually Monday through Friday from 9:00am to 5:00pm via Zoom Messenger.


Monday - Thursday
7:00am - 2:00am

7:00am - Midnight

9:00am - Midnight

12:00pm - 2:00am


Monday - Friday
7:00am - 7:00pm

Saturday - Sunday